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Marianne Brown Literacy

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Pack 5 – covers R-controlled vowels, vowel_e patterns, vowel teams, oo, ee, ea, ou, and ow.

$ 30

AR ME HEARTIES! – A pirate themed game where you can lose, win or steal words to win! Focus
is on /ar/ and /or/
BOOM- Collect the volcanos with words featuring /oo/ as in boo, and /oo/ as in good. But watch
out, if your volcano goes Boom, you lose the lot!

IT'S A MATCH! (covers ee and ea)A fast paced reading game where students have to read
multiple words to find a match. This can be played by 2 players or 2 teams. This would be my
most popular game with the kids!
SILENT E GAME – A game that allows students to identify if the word has an e and therefore
changes the vowel to a long one.
OUCH – (covers /ou/ and /ow/) pick the plasters from the first aid kit, but if you get an ‘ouch&’
they all go back.

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