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Marianne Brown Literacy

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Pack 6 – Covers R-controlled vowels, vowel_e patterns, vowel teams, ai, ay, ee, ea, oi, and oy.

$ 30

SHAPES (covers Silent e – vowel consonant e)
Played like last card, be the first to get rid of all your cards.
OINK! (Covers oi and oy) – A farm themed game where you read words to collect animals in
order to complete your farm.
IT'S A MATCH! (covers ai and ay)A fast paced reading game where students have to read
multiple words to find a match. This can be played by 2 players or 2 teams. This would be my
most popular game with the kids!
SPIDER GAME – Covers r controlled vowels)
Read words to make your spider move. The first in the centre wins!
HIGHEST WINS! (Covers ea and ee) Try and win the cards off the teacher or your fellow players.
A fast game that allows students to read many words before the game is finished.

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